

Publications internationales à comité de lecture

Grésillon E, Bouteau F, Chartier D, Laurenti P. 2022. Nos soeurs les plantes, une pensée interdisciplinaire pour aborder le vivant en termes de parenté. Nature Sciences Sociétés

Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Cangemi, S., Laurenti, P., Bouteau, F., 2022. Observation of unexpected neo like­fruit development from. Adv. Hortic. Sci. 36, 155–160.

Bouteau, F.; Grésillon, E.; Chartier, D.; Arbelet-Bonnin, D.; Kawano, T.; Baluška, F.; Mancuso, S.; Calvo, P.; Laurenti, P. Our sisters the plants? Notes from phylogenetics and botany on plant kinship blindness. Plant Signal. Behav. 2021.

Grésillon, E., Bilodeau, C., Clauzel, C., Escoda, C., Duval, Q., Neff, M., Bouteau, F., 2021. À la recherche de l’Université de Vincennes disparue, les arbres témoins d’un passé enseveliIn search of the lost university of Vincennes in the woods, the trees reveal a buried pastA la búsqueda de la desaparecida Universidad de Vincennes, los árboles como testimonios de un pasado bajo tierra. Cybergeo.

Kacprzyk, J., Gunawardena, A.H.L.A.N., Bouteau, F., McCabe, P.F., 2021. Editorial: Plant Programmed Cell Death Revisited. Front. Plant Sci.

Zhao, T., Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Tran, D., Monetti, E., Lehner, A., Meimoun, P., Kadono, T., Dauphin, A., Errakhi, R., Reboutier, D., Cangémi, S., Kawano, T., Mancuso, S., El-Maarouf-Bouteau, H., Laurenti, P., Bouteau, F., 2021. Biphasic activation of survival and death pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana cultured cells by sorbitol-induced hyperosmotic stress. Plant Sci. 305, 110844. [/su_spoiler]

Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Blasselle, C., Rose Palm, E., Redwan, M., Ponnaiah, M., Laurenti, P., Meimoun, P., Gilard, F., Gakière, B., Mancuso, S., El-Maarouf-Bouteau, H., Bouteau, F., 2020. Metabolism regulation during salt exposure in the halophyte Cakile maritima, Environmental and Experimental Botany.

Bouteau, F., Reboutier, D., Tran, D., Laurenti, P., 2020. Ion Transport in Plant Cell Shrinkage During Death. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 8.ï

Tran, D., Zhao, T., Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Kadono, T., Meimoun, P., Cangémi, S., Noûs, C., Kawano, T., Errakhi, R., Bouteau, F., 2020. Early Cellular Responses Induced by Sedimentary Calcite-Processed Particles in Bright Yellow 2 Tobacco Cultured Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. Artic. 21, 4279.[/su_spoiler]

Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Ben-Hamed-Louati, I., Laurenti, P., Abdelly, C., Ben-Hamed, K., Bouteau, F., 2019. Cakile maritima, a promising model for halophyte studies and a putative cash crop for saline agriculture. Adv. Agron. 155, 45–78.

Nguyen, H.T.H., Bouteau, F., Mazars, C., Kuse, M., Kawano, T., 2019. Enhanced elevations of hypo-osmotic shock-induced cytosolic and nucleic calcium concentrations in tobacco cells by pretreatment with dimethyl sulfoxide. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 83, 318–321. [/su_spoiler]

Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Ben Hamed-Laouti, I., Laurenti, P., Abdelly, C., Ben Hamed, K., Bouteau, F., 2018. Cellular mechanisms to survive salt in the halophyte Cakile maritima. Plant Sci. 272, 173–178.

De Bont, L., Naim, E., Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Xia, Q., Palm, E., Meimoun, P., Mancuso, S., El-Maarouf-Bouteau, H., Bouteau, F., 2018. Activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPases participates in dormancy alleviation in sunflower seeds. Plant Sci. 280, 408–415.

Tran, D., Dauphin, A., Meimoun, P., Kadono, T., Nguyen, H.T.H., Arbelet-Bonnin, D., Zhao, T., Errakhi, R., Lehner, A., Kawano, T., Bouteau, F., 2018. Methanol induces cytosolic calcium variations, membrane depolarization and ethylene production in arabidopsis and tobacco. Ann. Bot. 122, 849–860.[/su_spoiler]

Hamed-Laouti, I. Ben, Arbelet-Bonnin, D., De Bont, L., Biligui, B., Gakière, B., Abdelly, C., Hamed, K. Ben, Bouteau, F. 2016. Comparison of NaCl-induced programmed cell death in the obligate halophyte Cakile maritima and the glycophyte Arabidospis thaliana. Plant Sci. 247, 49–59.



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